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Born and raised amongst the wilds of Canberra, I grew up hiding a torch under my pillow so I could keep reading after my parents turned the lights out. This passion for stories has never left me, but nowadays I just wake up with the lights still on and a book stuck to my face.


Since my sneaky bedtime reading days, I've graduated from the Australian National University with a degree in Applied Linguistics and The Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts with a degree in Design for Performance. I use the skills and knowledge that I learnt in these studies to tell engaging stories across a range of mediums including performance, graphic design, and marketing.

Having been seduced by the west coast, I’m now happily based in Perth, though my work has also been produced in Sydney, Melbourne, and Beijing with organisations including Belvoir Theatre, Playwriting Australia, and Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company.


Want to know more? Let's chat!

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